About 18 months ago I discovered the MBTI and found that I was an INFJ. It was an interesting revelation for me, and explained lots of personal nuances that I had previously pooh-poohed or dismissed, as well as helping me to better understand myself, cliche as this may sound. I've taken the test a few more times, with several months break inbetween each time, and I still always check out as an INFJ every time I test myself. I'll be damned. I'm not particularly fond of being an INFJ, since I don't want to be a fucking protector or giver or whatever it is they're (I'm?) supposed to be. If anything, I wish I was an ENTP like #1b. All this giving and draining of happiness and energy, is not my cup of tea.
Anyway, after a few months of #doingmyownthang, I've been rereading posts and descriptions of INFJs and I feel that I'm probably a bogus INFJ. I just took the test again, and yeah I'm still an INFJ. Wtf? These are some of the INFJ "rules" which really don't seem to apply to me.
1. Being horribly intuitive to the point where it becomes a sixth sense
Nope. I mean, I have instinctive vibes about people when I meet them for the first time (I think that's called first impressions), but they're usually vague, and certainly not strong enough for me to act upon them. Though occasionally there will be people that I have a burgeoning desire to get to know better, and people whom I have a strong aversion to. at first sight, Still, I have been wrong about people before, and am still. As for instincts about incidents, I pay even less heed to them now, because more often than not I find that I've been making a big fuss over nothing.
2. Being perpetually gentle and non-confrontational and harmless
This is an even bigger NOPE. I am perpetually angry, to the point where I think I may be half Klingon. I am famous amongst my friends and family for being hot-tempered and easily provoked. If people push or shove me on the subway, I shove back and snap at them. If someone manhandles me in crowded places or queues I yell at them and/or manhandle them back (before scarpering). If waiters are rude to me in restaurants I tell them that they were rude and they're not getting their tips and serve them right. When I'm fed up but can't express it blatantly (eg at work), I do it as aggressively as I can whilst still being passive aggressive. I furrow my brow. I tut, I sigh, I suck my teeth, I drum my foot and I really do slam doors in the literal sense, not just the mental "doorslam" lots of INFJ forums talk about.
3. Being secretive and slow to warm to people
I have been holding myself back for the past few years, but whenever I meet someone I decide to like I usually put the whole of myself on the table then and there. Afterwards I usually regret being so honest about myself, but by that time it's usually too late.
Come to think of it, maybe I'm just a classic example of a shadowed INFJ? Bleh, what a prospect. These are the only ones I can come up with now, but it's getting a bit late and I'm bone tired. Will add more later if and when.