So, I'm aware I have quite the boatload of photos and travel posts I still need to publish. And I would really like to do that but unfortunately my old laptop died on me - with photos and all - and I still haven't been able to salvage them. I think I have some stuff on my hard disk drive but I need to check that as well. The fact that Google Blogs decided to change their layout so drastically and make away with google plus, was also one reason why I stayed away for so long. And most of all, I'm afraid I let real life get in the way, and that's one of the reasons why I stopped posting for about a year and a half. Plus, I did get quite a lot of travelling done during that time - the last Balkan trip that I'm still in the middle of posting, and then after that loads of pictures from my many trips around Ireland, and then in October 2019 I went to Kaliningrad (yes, finally Russia again!) and Lithuania. I got to see Kaunas for the first time, which is quite a picturesque city. As for Vilnius, once was really enough - that city really doesn't offer much. And that was the last trip I was on and will be on for the foreseeable future, because COVID-19 hit the world in 2020 and I don't think it's safe to travel anytime soon. Which is a bit of a shame because I'm finally living in a country where cheap travelling the way I used to love, is possible. But I've changed a lot and I'm not the person I used to be. I don't want the things I used to long for, and the things that used to bring me joy don't delight me the way they used to. In laymen's terms, I think I may have grown out of travelling the way I used to. But maybe that will come back at some point. Though that's a pretty big maybe. In any case, I grew up a lot in the 4 years or so since I first started travelling again every year. And that's okay because people grow and change, and at least this blog will bear testimony to the fact that I was once there, and met these people, and felt these emotions.
Enough talking - off to see what my hard disk drive has.