

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Interlude iv

Facebook really has a lot to answer for. Last November, when I met that cute German skateboarder kid, I thought he was a potential murderer, so after that beer at the Anchor, I didn't give him my facebook when he asked me for it. His name was Ralf and that was all I had to go with. That and the fact that he was from Hamburg. Then I went back home, curiosity overcame me, and I looked him up on facebook. And I actually found him, with only three clues: his first name, his hometown, and "current town." Same thing just happened - I somehow thought it would be a good idea to look up Klaus from Prague, my only clue being that he was from Hanover. Hey, another good looking German... And I found him too, WHEW. I really dunno whether this is good or bad. So much for your serendipitous encounters.

It's 2;46 am and apparently I have nothing better to do than to mosey about on the internet looking up people I met for like a few hours. I feel sick, like I want to throw up, and my leg isn't feeling so good. It's freezing and that's making me insomniatic. My leg REALLY hurts. Maybe it's gotten infected and that's why I'm feeling so ill. I wish I'd gotten it aspirated when I had the chance, but of course if wishes were horses. I still want to drink. I wish it weren't the middle of the night. I wish it were morning already. I want to go out and get some chocolate. I want food. I really need to finish my Euro travel blog but I'm just too darn lazy and there is such a thing as leaving it for too long. I am being truthful and provocative since I don't think anyone reads this anymore, therefore I'm allowed to shoot my mouth off. Urgh, my LEG! Maybe it's all in my head..

I watched Volcano tonight and it was all right, it reminded me a lot of Dante's Peak which was funny because when I looked it up, I found out that they were both actually released within two months of each other. For me, the most powerful scene was when Stan saved that train conductor and walked through the carriage praying, the plastic melting off his shoes as he went. And when he jumped into the lava and didn't die immediately, and threw the conductor to safety. It made for very uncomfortable viewing indeed, even though I knew it wasn't real. My least favourite characters were Tommy Lee Jones' daughter and that bratty kid she tried to "save" - why do all these disaster films have at least one annoying gormless kid who wanders off so that the main character(s) have to risk their necks saving them? Anyway, I really like Tommy Lee Jones; him, Sean Connery, Piers Brosnan and Harrison Ford have these really interesting faces that look better as they age, and they always play these serious but somehow goofy characters. It's like they could be very good comedic actors if they wanted to, Harrison Ford and TLJ especially. Harrison Ford is wonderful, I loved him as Han Solo and Indiana Jones. Indy especially. Is Indiana even a real men's name? In any case, I really like the concept of the swashbuckling professor with his encyclopediac knowledge of ancient and lost civilisations. That was the sort of person I yearned to be, but it's probably a role that would be better played by a man. Then again maybe not - you have Lara Croft. But then of course Lara is a sex symbol, you don't focus on her knowledge of Angkor Watt or her fighting skills, her bust is what sells. Urgh, world.

Done typing, am a bit woozy, off to bed or more Wikipedia.

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