

Sunday 28 August 2016

Ghent, part I

Ghent from Bruges was a fairly reasonable half hour train ride. There was still plenty of daylight so I alighted at the Gent-Sint-Pieters railway station, and followed my Google GPS to the old city centre. It was about a 40 minute walk which took me through some very ugly city boroughs that were reminiscent of decrepit, eastern European outlier towns.

The weather was still blustery and grey and the sun had vanished to world's end, but at least it had stopped raining, and that made all the difference in the world.

The buildings all looked something like this, it was very depressing

And then I reached the Old Town, and my jaw fair fell down to the ground. I've never seen such a statuesque town before. Cathedrals upon cathedrals upon more cathedrals. This is the highest concentration of Gothic buildings I've ever seen in one place, and to think, all of this majesty is buried within the ugliest outer town you can possibly imagine.

Rathaus, as always

Obligatory Flemish-style buildings that are so characteristic in the Baltics, Germany and the Netherlands as well.

Hands down my favourite Belgic city/town.

More to come.

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