

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Tallinn, part II - Tallinna Raekoda, Kuninga, Raekoja plats and Kinga

I found the hostel, as I always do, checked in, and then headed off and out because I was dying to explore the grand new world out there.

I cannot believe how exhausted I am this morning, by this way. I'm just lethargic. I can't fathom living like this for the rest of my life. I need to be on the road, again. I am a rolling stone. I can't bring myself to go through the email barrage that came through because exhaustion - also, I don't have enough hands to drink my coffee and type and mull. Seems like too much shit to get through at once.

My problem, I think, is that my mind races at 200 mph and it's hard to get me to wind down sometimes, which can be draining. Last night the last thing I did was to send out a pretty important email, too, and then I went to bed, my mind racing off with all the possible results in x number of quantum universes that this action of mine would bring. And then I had some very weird and very vivid dreams.

One thing I always like to say is that I'll cross that bridge when I reach it.

My coffee is no longer piping hot and I dislike that, but I didn't even realise it was cooling down. Wait what am I saying, haha.

The Old town - Raekoda - was gorgeous. The girl at the hostel recommended that I go to an elk soup pub on the Raekoda, so I spent a lot of time walking around very slowly, looking for it. I did manage to locate it, but that comes in later entries.


Never drinking again

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